Sunday, October 13, 2013

Kidney Stones Diagnosis and Recognition

By Fletcher Scialpi

Since there are several types of kidney stones and they can be of any size, symptoms vary quite a bit from one person to the next. If the stones are small enough, they can pass through your body naturally, while bigger ones often need medical intervention of some kind. In order to help you recognize the symptoms of kidney stones, we'll be looking at some of the major ones in this article.

If you don't have any obvious symptoms of kidney stones, the only way to diagnose them may be certain medical tests. There are various tests, such as an analysis of urine, that can alert your doctor to the presence of kidney stones. Some people try to determine whether or not they have kidney stones by purchasing pH urine tests on their own, but this isn't always reliable, as various conditions can alter your pH. The most reliable way to know for sure if you have kidney stones is for your doctor to take a radiograph (x-ray) of the region. It's always best to have your condition diagnosed rather than making assumptions based on guesswork.

There are some specific types of kidney stones that are typically present during a kidney infection which can bring on symptoms like fever or chills. This usually occurs with Struvite stones, which are caused by bacteria. A common variety of stones in the kidney are typically calcium. If you have a urinary infection that leads to kidney stones, it's important to treat the infection, which is often done with antibiotics. Symptoms like nausea and fever can be easily treated by prescription or in many cases over the counter pain relievers. One symptoms of this sort of kidney stone can be fever and/or chills or both although many other types of kidney stones may not include this symptom.

In some cases, kidney stones may be experienced as a dull pain in the lower back. As many people suffer from back problems for a variety of reasons, this type of symptom may go unnoticed for a while. The type of back pain associated with kidney stones is, however, a little different from other kinds. This type of back pain is usually long lasting but unconnected to exercising or moving in a certain way. While you can treat the pain with medication, you want to make sure you know what's causing it as well. When you have kidney stones, it's likely you'll also have other symptoms as well.

As such symptoms can mean any number of things, it's important to see your doctor for advice.

There are quite a few possible symptoms of kidney stones, though the above are some of the major ones. Some kidney stones are so small as to produce no symptoms at all, or only barely noticeable ones. Kidney stones that are large, however, can be a real problem and sometimes require medical procedures. It's often possible to prevent kidney stones from returning by making long term changes in how you eat, how much water you drink and the amount of exercise you get.

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How To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stone is a material is one kind of solid piece. This concrete material forms in a kidney from the substances in the urine. Some kidney stones are larger and so they are fixed in the ureter, bladder and sometimes-in urethra. So how to get rid of the kidney stone and how to tolerate the pain which occurs when there is blockage in the flow of urine. 

Some home remedies and medical treatment can prevent and cure the kidney stones in your urine. So now do not worry, apart from home remedies, the advanced surgery, new techniques from medical science is the solution for your kidney stone pain of how to get rid of kidney stones. In some cases, these kidney stones are so large in size that it is beyond the home remedies.

So medical treatments are the last options to lessen this stone plane. Previously a recognized physician had limited options like surgery to cure these kidney stone problems. Now due to enhancements in the medical science, there are various advanced techniques like shock waves, tunnel surgery, ureteroscope that assist the patient to get rid of kidney stone.

The main roles of these techniques are mentioned below. ESWL is the first choice for the people with just one stone, or those who have had enduring problems with kidney stones. The sizes of these kidney stones are no larger than three centimeters.

People with health problems like hypertension, disorders in breathing, heart problems, and diabetes cannot tolerate open surgery. In this shock wave treatment, a particular machine is used by the doctor to send shock waves in a straight line to the kidney stone. So that waves help to break the large kidney stones into small pieces and get rid of these small pieces by flowing and exerting through the urinary system of your body.

 The ESWL means extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. In which the Greek word Lithotripsy stands for stone crushing. There are two techniques are available in this shock wave treatment with two types of shock wave. You can sit in a pot of water with one machine.

You can stretch out on a table with mainly latest machines. X-ray images are used by the physician to direct the sound waves to the stone The next technique is the tunnel surgery and in medical terms, it is called as percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

In this method, a small scratch is made by the doctor into the backside of the patient. By doing this, he makes a slight burrow through the skin to the stone within the kidney. In this technique, the doctor uses a special instrument, which goes through that tunnel or burrow. At the final stage, doctor finds the stone and gets rid of this kidney stone.

 In the next technique that is called as ureteroscope looks like a long wire. In this technique, a wire is inserted in the urethra where the stone is to be found. This technique is incorporated with a camera, which makes possible for the doctor to view the stone and finally a cage is used to get rid of such kidney stone.
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Causes Of Uric Acid Kidney Stones

Uric acid is excreted in the body due to the breakup of cells caused by the food eaten. This uric acid is a waste product and is usually removed from the body via urine and stool. However, if the kidneys fail to perform their function optimally, this uric acid remains in the blood to result in Gout or Kidney stones. The level of uric acid in the urine can be determined by a laboratory urine test. Uric acid kidney stones are formed as a result of too much uric acid in the urine, or a normal amount of uric acid in too little urine or uric acid present in its insoluble form. There are several other factors that instigate uric acid stones formation, such as:-

 Uric acid is produced at the breaking up of 'purines', which are found in the human body tissue and in certain food products such as beans, peas, liver and certain alcoholic drinks.

 Too much of uric acid in the urine for a prolonged period leads to uric acid stones. 

Low amount of urine.

 Diets overly rich in animal proteins. 

Metabolic disorder that leads to high levels of uric acid in the urine.

 Certain medical conditions may further trigger uric acid kidney stone formation. These include:-

 Gout which involves the deposition of uric acid in joints to cause an extremely painful condition. Access of uric acid in blood leads to Gout.

 Diabetes too may lead to uric acid kidney stones. Research reveals that people with type 2 diabetes have highly acidic urine, which may lead to uric acid stones.

-Insulin Resistance.

 -Genetic factors.

-Chronic diarrhea.

 -Binge Drinking.

 -Some rare types of anemia.

 -Blood cancers.

 -Lead poisoning.

 -Not eating for long periods of time.

 -Genetic Factors.

 -Hypocitraturia, a low amount of citrate in the urine

 -Certain Medications.
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